
You may now book your Bus Tickets, Hotel Rooms or Concert Tickets through MusicKaki!
日期 Concert Date: 16/1/2010 (Saturday) 8pm
地点 Venue: Arena of Stars, Genting Highlands.
1. 来回巴士 Round Trip Bus Ticket (JB City Square (16/1/2010 10am) – Genting First World Hotel (17/1/2010 3pm) – JB City Square):
– RM60/person (MusicKakis)
– RM70/person (Non-Musickakis)
2. 住宿 Accomodation (First World Hotel – Room for 2 persons for 16/1/2010 stay – you need to find your sharing partner):
– RM180*/room (MusicKakis)
– RM200*/room (Non-MusicKakis)
*Rates may increase anytime depends on First World Hotel rates.
3. 演唱会入门票 Concert Ticket (cannot choose the seats):
– PS3: RM98
– PS2: RM148 (RM126* MusicKakis)
– PS1: RM238 (RM203* MusicKakis)
– VIP: RM328 (RM279* MusicKakis)
– VVIP: RM428
*While Promotional Tickets Last.
请现在就简讯到 +07-2228559/+6017-7898559!
Please send sms to +607-222855/+6017-7898559 now!
1. All bookings and Rates are not quaranteed until the payment is made to MusicKaki at Johor Bahru City Square (Office Tower – Level 10). Payments made are not refundable.
2. Anyone below 18 years old needs to have permission from parents/guardian. Please sms your email to request the Parents/Guardians Permission Form at +607-2228559.
3. MusicKaki is only providing booking services and is not responsible for any consequences related to, but not limited to, safety, schedule delays, service quality, loss and etc.
4. Musickakis refers to MusicKaki Staffs, Instructors and Students.
5. MusicKaki reserves the right not to provide this booking service to anyone.