Bass Guitar 贝斯吉他

You may not aware that almost every song has bass running at the back, and you may not aware of the magic that the bass could do to make a song sounds wonderful. Student may take UK Trinity Rock School Bass Guitar examination based on their level.

你或许不知道几乎每一首歌曲都需要贝斯。你或许更不知道好听的贝斯是那么的美妙。学生可依进度考取英国 Trinity Rock School 贝斯吉他证书。

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    This latest branch of MUSICKAKI has just started its operation in November 2014. Various courses will be offered gradually over times. We strive to continue to provide “enjoyable and professional” music education to all of you within the vicinity of Eco Cascadia. MUSICKAKI Eco Cascadia also houses a demo recording studio for both education and […]

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    This latest branch of MUSICKAKI has just started its operation in November 2014. Various courses will be offered gradually over times. We strive to continue to provide “enjoyable and professional” music education to all of you within the vicinity of Eco Cascadia. MUSICKAKI Eco Cascadia also houses a demo recording studio for both education and […]

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    This latest branch of MUSICKAKI has just started its operation in November 2014. Various courses will be offered gradually over times. We strive to continue to provide “enjoyable and professional” music education to all of you within the vicinity of Eco Cascadia. MUSICKAKI Eco Cascadia also houses a demo recording studio for both education and […]